Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Proud Owner

Of a ONE year old little girl!! Actually she owns us (me and her daddy, lol)

Sophia turned the big 1 on Friday May 16th. We have her big party planned for the 24th, but John got a cake at Stew's and had some friends and family over at my job to sing Happy Birthday to her. She loved it!! the singing, the cake. She ate chocolate cake and made Hmmm noises. It was hilarious.

Then she started feeling crappy on Saturday night, and by Sunday night she had a small fever. We got her to the doctor on Monday and were told that she seems to be ok, but might be fighting some bug. This morning she woke up and started hanging from our bedframe, so that means she's doing well.

Thank God she's back to her old self- crawling, singing (yes, she sings!), dancing and just being her sweet, happy self.

Pictures from both birthday celebrations wil be posted soon. Stay tuned!


Adrienne said...

Hi! I'm a fellow scrapper from (and the new mommies thread...) I thought I'd better leave your a little note so you knew that "Tenino, WA" was actually a valid visit to your blog and not another cyber-stalker. Ha! (I read you were having issues...) Anyway, I was hoping this was your blog with lots of baby pics. :o)

See you around!
Adrienne a.k.a. "Fancyrr" on

Sonia said...

Felicidades a tus ustedes por tener a tu hija tan hermosa.. y felicidades a Princess Sophie por tener unos padres que la quieren tanto.
Felicidades en su primer cumpleaƱos!!!