Friday, May 30, 2008

Some Crafty Stuff

Since this blog is becoming more of a "my life as a mom and wife" I am posting some pics of some of the things I made for Sophia's B-day party. I want to thank my friends Ive for selling me her Cricut Expression (I still haven't even paid her), Liz for sending me the wire for the invites (even though I didn't use it), and my friend Leelee for making and printing the beautiful labels for the souvenirs. You ladies made this birthday a success.


These are the souvenirs with the labels that my friend Leelee designed and printed. Gracias mi compa!

Supplies for ladybug hats


Ladybug "light fixtures"

Centerpieces (they weren't finished- missing the "grass")

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Seeing Spots (literally)

NOTE: Just wanted to add that Sophia does NOT have Chicken Pox. She has a virus that causes little spots on hte skin. Thank the Lord!

We had Sophia's BIG birthday bash on the 24th. We had many friends and family over. It was a great day (weather-wise) and so we made use of the garden. I made the invites, centerpieces, got all the pieces for kids to make their own ladybug hats, and my dear friend (sister) Leelee made the labels for the souvenirs.

It was a wonderful day. The only problem was that Sophia was not feeling well and I had twisted my ankle so we were both in bad shape. But our little girl looked adorable in her red, halter dress (I giggle when I picture her in that dress).

Our computer is acting up, so these pictures are courtesy of my friend Angie. Enjoy the ladybug party pics.

The cake was delicious

Say Cheese!

Sophia hamming it up for the camera

What's a Birthday without a piƱata?

Can you see the family resemblance? LOL

These Pics were taken on Saturday afternoon. On Sunday afternoon we took Sophia to the ER as she was running a fever and had some red spots on her belly. Her Pediatrician told us to take her to the hospital. She was diagnosed with Chicken Pox. Now we're really seeing spots. She's back to her sunny, happy self, just with spots. hehehe

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Proud Owner

Of a ONE year old little girl!! Actually she owns us (me and her daddy, lol)

Sophia turned the big 1 on Friday May 16th. We have her big party planned for the 24th, but John got a cake at Stew's and had some friends and family over at my job to sing Happy Birthday to her. She loved it!! the singing, the cake. She ate chocolate cake and made Hmmm noises. It was hilarious.

Then she started feeling crappy on Saturday night, and by Sunday night she had a small fever. We got her to the doctor on Monday and were told that she seems to be ok, but might be fighting some bug. This morning she woke up and started hanging from our bedframe, so that means she's doing well.

Thank God she's back to her old self- crawling, singing (yes, she sings!), dancing and just being her sweet, happy self.

Pictures from both birthday celebrations wil be posted soon. Stay tuned!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Busy Times

So Sophia is almost 1 year old. And I've been so busy with gettign everything ready for her day that I haven't had time to cry (well, maybe a couple of times). I can't believe my little baby is almost ONE.
I've been making the invites, centerpieces, getting all the stuff together for her part, working full time, taking care of Sophia and DH and I'm exhausted. To top it all off, Sophia has now decided that she will not go down to sleep without a fight- a BIG fight! then once she goes to sleep she'll wake up a couple of times throughout the night. John and I believe she's just keeping us in our toes.
She's still the sweetest little girl, so I guess the lack of sleep hasn't bothered her. She is now crawling al over the place and I have no idea where to hide all of my scrapbooking stuff for when she starts walking.

Just an update on our crazy lives.